A serbian film full clips heavy
A serbian film full clips heavy

a serbian film full clips heavy

a serbian film full clips heavy

Vukmir commands, “Hit the bitch!” In a frenzy, Milos continues to thrust aggressively while explicitly slapping, and then forcefully punching, the female’s back. Through his earpiece, Milos hears Vukmir yell that the female is a “dirty junkie cunt”. He engages in realistically simulated rear-entry sexual intercourse with her. The baby cries as the mother watches while smiling.Īt 57 minutes, a disgusted Milos runs away as Vukmir calls out that he has just viewed “newborn porn”.Īt 63 minutes, a fully nude female is led to a bed and, spreadeagled on her belly, is forcibly cuffed by her wrists and ankles.Īt 64 minutes, Milos (implicitly drug-affected) is undressed and positioned behind her. In rear-view, the male’s body obscures detail as he implicitly penetrates the child with his penis in a lingering depiction. A bald male with gloves on assists in the delivery of her baby, which is explicitly depicted.Īt 56 minutes, the male holds the newborn up by its ankles and slaps its buttock, whereupon the child begins to cry. The video commences with a nude pregnant female lying on a table in a chamber with her legs splayed. Examples include (with approximate times):Īt 55 minutes, two males (Milos and pornographic director Vukmir) watch a video played through a projector. These depictions are on occasion inextricably linked to themes of paedophilia and child sexual abuse, which further heightens impact. In the opinion of the Board, the film contains depictions of sexualised violence and sexual violence which have a very high degree of impact, including an explicit depiction of sexual violence. In addition, within the R 18+ classification category, the Guidelines stipulate: “Sexual violence may be implied, if justified by context.” Therefore, material which is very high in viewing impact or which contains explicit depictions of sexual violence is not permitted within the R 18+ classification. The Guidelines state that “the impact of material classified R 18+ should not exceed high”. (a) depict, express or otherwise deal with matters of sex, drug misuse or addiction, crime, cruelty, violence or revolting or abhorrent phenomena in such a way that they offend against the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults to the extent that they should not be classified ” will be Refused Classification. In the Board’s view this film warrants an ‘RC’ classification in accordance with item 1(a) of the films table of the National Classification Code:

a serbian film full clips heavy

#A serbian film full clips heavy code#

In making this decision, the Classification Board has applied the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 (the Classification Act), the National Classification Code (the Code) and the Guidelines for the Classification of Films and Computer Games 2005 (the Guidelines). In November 2010, an uncut DVD of A SERBIAN FILM was banned by the Classification Board. It currently remains banned in Australia in any version.Ī Serbian Film aka Srpski Film Directed by Srdjan Spasojevic / 2010 / Serbia / IMDb This version, missing nearly four-minutes, would go on to be banned in South Australia, before having the R18+ changed to RC by the Classification Review Board. Twice they refused it a rating, before finally passing it with an R18+. Srdjan Spasojevic’s A SERBIAN FILM was always going to have problems with the Classification Board.

A serbian film full clips heavy